Together, For the Family is a nonprofit organization founded and registered in Lebanon in 2010 as a response to the dire needs and challenges that families face in our society.
The organization has held many training workshops in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
TFF is providing Lebanese and refugees all kinds of help and more importantly the key to have an occupation and a business.
families with training, support, and resources that help parents do a better job in raising their children. Special attention is given to women and their role at home and in society.
families as they face economic and social pressures by providing consultation, guidance, and financial aid. For example, helping poor families choose the right schooling for their children and assisting them in covering part of their education expenses.
Raising awareness
on issues that face the teens and the youth in our society and helping them to grow and develop intellectually, psychologically, and socially to be better persons and citizens in their respective societies.
seminars and conferences for community leaders, educators, parents, and religious leaders on contemporary issues that face families.